First, I have to put the recipes for Ambrosia Macaroons and Matzo Ball Soup up here so I can finally close those tabs. I intended to post them last night with a thank you to Hillary, Alex, and Jenny for my first sort-of Passover meal. I should mention that we made a vegetarian form of the Matzo Ball Soup (based around the above recipe, though) and it was perfect for such a rainy homework-heavy night.
I'm sitting in a quiet hallway on our student center's 8th floor. For the past four hours, I've been typing notes from a library book on Roald Dahl that some fellow researcher decided he/she needed immediately and so has recalled. This means that I had to put all my other research aside to power though this book so I can return it to the library before this weekend. Of course, this is probably the same person who has all of the other Roald Dahl books out of Bobst and is thus the reason I've been having such trouble finding reading materials for my own paper. Delightful.
Anyway. I just needed a studybreak. After my computer runs out of battery life, I have to drop off paperwork in the Global Studies office, get my course selection sheet approved in the Gallatin building, make it back to my dorm to grab my uncle's phone number so I can call him, go to Myths and Fables class, eat something warm with a huge cup of coffee (last night was a long one), and hunt though the stacks for books on Norse Mythology. And visit the media center to watch "You Only Live Twice." Apparently, Dahl was heavily influenced by the Norse myths that his mother read to him as a child. Why didn't I decide to write my paper on that? Regardless, he also wrote the screenplay for "You Only Live Twice" and since I'm looking at feminism (or lack-thereof) in his works, what better research source than a James Bond film.
People seem scared of our library. Personally, I love it. I wish I could live in the archives...
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