So Kut’aisi…wish I had seen more of it. Today actually was another of those spend-all-day-in-a-car-to-spend-a-few-hours-inside-a-building-in-a-new-city. Honestly, I did enjoy the car ride. My principal and co-teacher sat on either side of me in the back seat. Our gym teacher and his friend (another very manly Georgian man) sat up front and took turns driving. I think it’s hilarious that we get escorts for a day-trip…They’re all wonderful people. They played Georgian music and we laughed listening to a little bit of American music. Mostly, though, I looked out the windows at the beautiful landscapes and listened as best I could to their conversations. My head has been hurting a bit since I arrived in Oni, and I can’t tell if it’s because I’m adjusting to the altitude or because I spend so many hours each day straining to pick out words in Georgian conversations.
The meeting itself was pretty unremarkable. Common-sense information, cell-phones ringing throughout, poor group management…I will say that I was impressed that the girl presenting managed a bi-lingual seminar all by herself. That was pretty incredible to watch.
Then the long car-ride back, a warm dinner to make me forget the rain, a Georgian-dubbed Spanish soap opera and Russian news with the family in front of the wood stove, and now reading in my room before bed. Not bad.
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